The Governors are volunteers who have an interest in education and schools. All schools must have a Governing Body, the size of which is usually determined by the size of the school. Our Governing Body members are from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Our Governors can by contacted by emailing the Clerk

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the above email or

Mr Belsey

Ashurst Wood Primary School

School Lane

Ashurst Wood

East Grinstead

West Sussex

RH19 3QW

Who are our Governors?

Name     Type of Governor
Mr John Belsey - Chair of Governors Co-opted
Mrs Rosemary Buckler Co-opted
Mrs Claire Shuttleworth LA
Mrs Sally Alexander Co-opted
Mrs Lisa Hobby Head Teacher
Mr Nicholas Hollamby - Vice Chair Parent
Mr David Kennedy Parent
Mrs Debs Hawe Staff
Mr Mark Elwell Parent
Mrs Clare Jussen Clerk to the Governors

We currently have no Associate governors. 

More information about Ashurst Wood Governors

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