At Ashurst Wood Primary we believe that by performing to an audience a child gains confidence in many ways and that Performing Arts plays a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills.
Educational theorists are increasingly emphasising the importance of “emotional intelligence”, developing a creative mind and fostering personalities and imaginations as children make their journey through school, to become happy and well rounded individuals.
While Performing Arts allow children to develop creative passions, they simultaneously teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate effectively with others with confidence.
Performing Arts are all about self expression, exploring alternative options and embracing individuality. It’s not black and white, or about right or wrong answers, and this allows children to develop self confidence and belief in themselves. With improved self confidence and self belief, comes a natural pathway for children to go on to master many more skills that will equip them for life.
At Ashurst Wood every child will perform to an audience each year.
- Each year every class produces an assembly for the parents and school to showcase the learning they have undertaken.
- In KS1 the children will perform a Nativity play on the hall stage
- Children in Y2 take part in the Little Big Sing where they perform songs along with other schools in East Grinstead.
- KS2 take part in a Carol evening
- Children in Y3 take part in the Big Sing where they perform songs along with other schools in East Grinstead.
- In KS2 children in Y4-Y6 will take part in the end of year production. The production takes place on a large stage with lights and a sound system and we are extremely lucky to have a large group of parents and friends who help make props, costumes, rehearse the music as well as do the makeup and hair on the night.
We also encourage the children to perform at other points in the year by singing, playing instruments they are learning either in school or at home or sharing dance routines (Often self-taught).
Some of the productions we have put on are:
- Frozen
- Oliver
- Mary Poppins
- The Lion King
- The Wizard of Oz
- Olivia
- Beauty and the Beast
- Aladdin